The evidence-based The Thompson Method, developed by midwife Dr. Robyn Thompson, assists women in adopting a more gentle approach to giving birth and breastfeeding.
The Thompson Method
To have a pain-free, gentle, and more natural birth, and breastfeeding experience, more than 50,000 women worldwide are following The Thompson Method programs. The achievement is the most recent for the strategy established in 2014 by Dr. Robyn Thompson to offer proof-based direction and backing to mums and mums-to-be while teaching birthing assistants and medical services experts on prescribed procedures.
A maternity specialist herself with north of 50 years of involvement, Dr. Robyn was granted a Ph.D. for her broad investigation into why such countless ladies were being released from the emergency clinics with excruciating areola injury and other breastfeeding confusions – research which would turn into the underpinnings of The Thompson Method.

Today, it keeps on tending to declining breastfeeding rates, while empowering ladies to pay attention to their gut feelings so they can secure with their child following birth and breastfeed torment free however long they pick.
Breastfeeding Program
The Thompson Method offers a variety of programs and services for women at every stage of their breastfeeding journey. The Thompson Method Breastfeeding Program is designed with women who are pregnant and breastfeeding in mind. It provides proactive, round-the-clock guidance and support to help expectant mothers feel prepared for labor and delivery and to lower the risk of breastfeeding complications.
In addition, the program provides support to women who are already breastfeeding in order to help them deal with concerns about their breast milk supply and overcome or alleviate complications like painful nipples.
During this time, a breastfeeding rescue using the Thompson Method can help women get back on track: a one-on-one Skype consultation with a licensed professional to aid in the alleviation of physical, mental, and emotional pain. Through The Thompson Method Professional Edition online program, even healthcare professionals can learn more about improving outcomes for women in their care.
3 Golden Hours
Dr. Robyn discovered that the “3 Golden Hours” immediately following birth, which have the potential to shape the entire breastfeeding journey of both mother and baby, are the foundation of the Thompson Method. Taking advantage of this indispensable holding time with the infant and creating some distance from additional intense conventional strategies, the technique forestalls and conquer normal confusions, for example, areola torment, low volume, reflux and colic, bosom engorgement, and mastitis.

Maternal Instincts
Dr. Robyn explained that many women are unaware of their own ignorance regarding breastfeeding. No matter where they are on their individual journey, they want to assist women in reconnecting with their instincts as mothers and regaining control over breastfeeding. By rethinking breastfeeding schooling, she accepts they can assist ladies forestall difficulties with a gentler methodology molded around the singular necessities and wishes of the lady, with no plan, no postponement, and no rush, and completed in her own great time.
Toni B described her experience with The Thompson Method and said that this program saved her life! This was her third child yet first TTM child and she can say, unquestionably, it has had such a colossal effect. She explained that she believed she had always been aware of the ideas Dr. Robyn discusses, but that she lacked the self-assurance to represent herself and her other two children. She was spared a lot of tears, anger, and doubts thanks to this program. Toni expressed gratitude to Dr. Robyn and all of the assistants!
International Journal of Nursing Studies
In the International Journal of Nursing Studies, a report from Mater Mothers’ Hospital concluded that the Thompson Method improved direct breastfeeding outcomes following hospital discharge and even reduced the risk of exclusive breastfeeding discontinuation by three months.
In addition, the future appears hopeful, happy, and healthy for empowered new mothers everywhere, with 50,000 women and counting discovering a painless and more natural breastfeeding experience with The Thompson Method.
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