The book “I Lost My Baby and Now It’s Time to Find My Mind” by Dr Kameika Hinson gives people who have lost a pregnancy hope and practical advice.

Infant Loss

The book "I Lost My Baby and Now It's Time to Find My Mind" by Dr Kameika Hinson gives people who have lost a pregnancy hope and practical adviceIn Her New Book, Grief Coach Dr Kameika Hinson Empowers Women To Flourish After Pregnancy Or Infant Loss
I Lost My Baby and Now Its Time To Find My Mind

I Lost My Baby and Now It’s Time to Find My Mind,” the debut book by Dr. Kameika Hinson, a medical laboratory scientist and grief coach, is a powerful and practical guide for women who have lost a baby or a pregnancy.

Depression treated. Differently.

Dr. Kameika’s plans to become a mother were put on hold when she was told she had Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). In 2017, she became pregnant prior to losing her child to miscarriage. Dr. Kameika founded Grief Release Publishing Inc. in order to empower women to navigate the difficult emotional terrain of grief and loss. She did this after realizing that she had a calling to assist others who had gone through a similar experience of loss. Her book offers ways to deal with the unique challenges of pregnancy and infant loss and a path to healing through storytelling.

In Her New Book, Grief Coach Dr Kameika Hinson Empowers Women To Flourish After Pregnancy Or Infant Loss
Dr Kameika Hinson

Dr. Kameika Hinson

Dr. Kameika made sense of an accomplished the that as a lady tormented by losing a youngster, she realizes firsthand how isolating and overpowering the distress can be. However, she is also aware of the possibility of hope and healing. Her objective is to assist women in overcoming loss and thriving.

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Dr. Kameika is an author and grief coach in addition to being a highly driven woman who believes in breaking barriers and demonstrating that women are unstoppable when driven by purpose. She exemplifies what it means to overcome obstacles and motivates others to do the same.

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