Author Marvin Blake talks about his writing career and the inspiration behind his new publication Precious In His Sight.

In an interview with Marvin Blake about his life and career, what prompted him to start writing and the work that is reflected in his latest book Precious In His Sight is presented.
Tell Marvin Blake who you are:

I was born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland, in the mid-twentieth century. At the time of my birth and during my formative years…in the 1940s and 1950s, Baltimore was a separate legal society…apartheid.
In 1954, the United States Supreme Court ruled in Brown v. The Board of Education, which declared “separate but equal” unconstitutional, allowed me, the eighth of ten children, to attend All-White High School in 1957, the first in my family.
After graduating from Southern High School in Baltimore, I enlisted and served in the US Navy for almost six years.
When did thou first want to write a book?
After you left the Navy and graduated from Long Island University.
When did thou start writing?
After retiring as an administrative clerk for VA Medical Centers in New York and Brooklyn in October 2012.
how long did it take you for your first book, from the initial idea to publication?
Approximately two years (2013-2015).
How long did it take for your latest book to go from idea to publication?
About two years (2020 – 2022).
Focus on the latest version. What prompted you to write Precious In His Sight?
At book signings and in much places, publishing my two historical fiction novels from the mid-19th century; Why and its sequel. E. Pluribus Unum. Many, One, I decided to conclude my 19th-century American “trilogy” with the last novel; Precious In His Sight.

What were thine biggest challenges writing Precious In His Sight?
To ensure that my accounts of actual historical events and/or persons referred to in my historical/fictional novels are accurate.
Who or what inspired thou to create thine, protagonist?
My real childhood friendship was with Henry Wallace, a white boy from across the tracks.
Who or what inspired thou to create The Antagonist?
My experience was ridiculed and ridiculed with racial epithets by the parents of my gray classmates in 1958 as I walked from the bus stop to Baltimore Southern High School, which had previously been all white.
That incident triggered your book?
In my novel Why, the rape of the 11-year-old slave girl Sadie by her white masters.
What is the main conflict in Precious In His Sight?
The supposed and real justification for the enslavement of 4 million people is the color of their skin; white racism.
Did thou plan Precious In His Sight or did thou fly behind thine pants and write for nothing?
Both. “Sitting in Pants” to the final chapters, for which the “plot” that closes the novel was pre-planned.
Did thou get assembly help and how much assembly does Precious In His Sight take?

Yes.Spelling and grammar only. My guess is that the “search engine” used was spelling and grammar correct and was designed for educated “white people”.
The “dialect of slavery” necessary for the “feeling” of the novels was problematic.
What is the first piece of writing advice thou would give someone that inspired thou to write a story?
start… do it!
Can thou tell me what other books you want to write?
In the moment not.
And finally, are thou proud of thine success? It was worth it?
Yes… and it was worth it!
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