Author Interview – Karen Arrington – Your Next Level Life

Tell me a bit about who you are.

I’m Karen Arrington, an award winning writer, women’s empowerment expert, humanitarian and victor of a NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Literary Work. My position as a Goodwill Ambassador to Sierra Leone, my work as the co-founder of the first Diabetes Awareness Day in West Africa, and my role as the founder of The Miss Black USA Pageant all span over 100,000 hours of coaching, mentoring, and philanthropic work.

When did you first WANT to write a book?

I have a burning desire to assist women in reaching their full potential in life. Throughout recent years, I have by and by tutored more than 1,000 young ladies, assisting them with landing life changing grants, step into strong professions in media, business, medication + regulation — changing their lives + networks. In 2019, individuals from my organization continued asking when I planned to compose a book.  I accepted that as a sign, the time had come.   It genuinely was a characteristic subsequent stage to compose a book that would reach and engage more ladies.

When did you take a step to start writing?

I wrote my first book in late 2019.

How long did it take you to complete your first book from the first idea to release?

It took seven months.

Focusing on your latest release. What made you want to write Your Next Level Life?

I simply needed to accomplish something beneficial. I needed to arrive at additional ladies and give them seven straightforward guidelines of progress that could be useful to them step up and step into their powerful lives.  I’ve guided north of 1,000 young ladies, and have gotten more than $500K in grants, awards, and groundbreaking vocation amazing open doors for youthful arising pioneers.  My aim has never changed, even though my work has taken many different forms over the years: to assist women in asserting their authority, redefining their futures, and defying expectations. My main reason for writing Your Next Level Life: 7 Rules of Power, Confidence, & Opportunity for Black Women in America. So, I wrote Your Next Level Life, got a book deal, and made it available to everyone.

What were your biggest challenges with writing Your Next Level Life?

An inability to embrace success. I never viewed myself as a skilled essayist. I had the conviction that composing was a superpower, a gift, or natural ability. Writing is a skill that can be learned, despite the fact that many great authors are gifted.

What was your research process for Your Next Level Life?

I’ve personally mentored over 1,000 young women.

How did you plan the structure of Your Next Level Life?

Self improvement guides can truly help you reexamine your life and understand things according to with a better point of view.  The self-help book Your Next Level Life is unlike any other.  The honor winning aide frames seven guidelines of influence, certainty, and a chance for people of color — showing perusers “how to make all the cash you want” through awards, grants, grants, sponsorship bargains, and enterprising tasks, “how to situate yourself like a star” highlighting tips from a cosmetics master whose customer base incorporates Michelle Obama and Oprah Winfrey, “how to track down your Powerful companions” and interface with influential ladies you’ve generally longed for gathering, and that’s only the tip of the iceberg. It is a rousing fast perused, just 108 pages that will get ladies wherever inquiring, “What’s my Powerful Life?”

Did you get support with editing, and how much editing did Your Next Level Life need?

To begin with, I employed a writing mentor.  Think:  fitness coach for an author.  She helped me meet my weekly deadlines and held me accountable.  I made a draft blueprint of the book which included 7 principles of progress.  I put forth an objective to think of one rule (or section) seven days. After I finished composing a standard, I sent it to my supervisor for criticism. I had completed editing my manuscript by the time I finished writing the final rule.

What is the first piece of writing advice you would give to anyone inspired to write a book?

A decent author thinks often about the art and will work every time to be great at it.  The 10,000-hour rule. The idea was made popular by Malcolm Gladwell. It’s that the key to dominance and achievement — in any field — is to rehearse your art for 10,000 hours. That is quite a while. A gigantic responsibility. Practice is the key word here. The more you practice your art, the better at it you become, and the more certain you will be in your expertise. Consistently, put forth an objective to compose 1,000 words. The more you compose, the more certain you will become as an essayist.  Also, read everything.  I can’t pressure enough the way in which significant perusing is to be an extraordinary essayist. Your composing improves massively when you read more.

Can you give me a hint about any further books you’re planning to write?

I signed a 4 book deal with my publisher.

And, finally, are you proud of your accomplishment? Was it worth the effort?

Absolutely!  I have never written a book before. My first book was nominated for and won a 2020 NAACP Image Award, which was an over-the-top blessing!

Pop all your book, website and social media links here so the readers can find you:

Instagram:  @karen_arrington

Twitter:  @karen_arrington


My Book:  Your Next Level Life is available at Amazon over here.