Bob Brill Legendary Film Maker, Documentary Exposes the Secrets of the 1971 Sylmar Earthquake
Bob Brill Legendary Film Maker, Documentary Exposes the Secrets of the 1971 Sylmar Earthquake Bob Brill Legendary Film Maker “Shaken, The Great Sylmar Earthquake,” a candid documentary by legendary filmmaker Bob Brill, reveals the details, conspiracies, and mysteries of one of the most devastating and...
Little Rock Arkansas Will Host The INSPIRE TOUR Of The LEGO® Fan Convention
Little Rock Arkansas will host the Brick Universe LEGO® Fan Convention for just two days on February 25 and 26. Little Rock Arkansas For the two-day event in Little Rock, well-known LEGO® artists will fly in from all over the country. These artists, who have...
The Inventress, Lisa Ascolese, Rules The Billion-Dollar Product Development Industry
Lisa Ascolese, The Inventress, the host of the Inventors Spotlight TV, CEO of Inventing A to Z, has clients on ABC’s Shark Tank, as well as shopping juggernauts QVC, HSN, and Shop HQ. The Inventress Over 30,000 new products are introduced annually, and 95% of...
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