Do you know how to manage your dermatitis, psoriasis, and eczema? Is it Manage Dermatitis because of your sluggish digestion and gut microbiome? Do you use a lot of chemicals, alcohol, and detergents? Is your stress level too high?
Manage Dermatitis, Psoriasis, And Eczema

For some people, irritating skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, and dermatitis can become extremely debilitating, causing them to suffer from inflamed, itchy skin year after year. If you fall into this category and have tried a variety of creams, ointments, and pills but haven’t had any luck, you might be very interested in nutritional solutions that work.
Skin health is just as dependent on gut health as it is on skin health because it provides a window into the body’s internal workings. Ideal outcomes happen when you can work the two finishes toward the center.
Detergents, alcohols, and chemicals
The veracity of many personal care and toiletry products’ detergents and chemical ingredients is a problem. As numerous nurses and surgeons who are constantly scrubbing their hands can attest, repeated use can severely overload individuals. They can remove the skin barrier’s protective oils, exposing the skin to the outside world and potential microbial infection. Even worse, the alcohols and chemical detergents may then gain access to the body’s interior.
We can lose too much moisture and disrupt the skin’s microbiome if the skin’s oils are depleted. This can leave the skin feeling exposed, extra dry, and itchy. When nerves are more exposed and the barrier’s fatty insulation is reduced, the skin feels itchy. The immune system can be triggered if pathogens enter the compromised epidermis through the cracks, resulting in raised, inflamed welts.

Poor gut health and acidosis
Poor gut health and acidosis can also disrupt the barrier thanks to waste toxins produced by internal cell metabolism. If you have a metabolic disorder that makes it hard to get rid of waste, this usually happens. It can put too much pressure on the liver, pushing even more waste into the lymph system. The lymph system excretes waste through the skin, causing irritation and inflammation. In the event that digestion, detoxification, and pH adjusting doesn’t balance out, it can cause an auto-resistant issue.
The entire body is affected by acidosis caused by digestive disorders, issues with waste management, and detox. For optimal electrical and metabolic activity, detoxification, nerve signaling, cardiovascular function, and overall health, we need to keep our internal plasma and tissue cells in the alkaline range (about 7.35-7.45 pH). This then also helps the skin’s pH, which is a little bit (conversely) acidic (i.e. less than 5 pH).
The integumentary system as a whole becomes thinner and weaker as a result of the body’s loss of collagen as a result of excessive metabolic acids and free radicals. As a result, skin, hair, nails, teeth, and bones may deteriorate, and skin may become more prone to irritation. The skin’s capacity to hold oils for protecting the skin barrier decreases with thinner skin. The nerves in the dermis (under the epidermis) can become hypersensitive to stimuli if the skin thins too much because lipids (oils) protect and insulate nerve endings.
Detoxification and pH stabilization frequently pose challenges for people who suffer from polycystic ovary syndrome, diabetes, renal disorders, or hypothyroidism. A gut that is acidic will attract more pathogens and make the environment more hostile for beneficial bacteria.
Acidity can be mitigated by eating mostly alkalizing foods in a natural diet. Whenever possible, opt for organic, high-quality, fresh food rather than chemically added, overly processed packaged foods. Alcohol, simple carbs, and sugar all result in the production of more acidic metabolic wastes.
In order to buffer the excess acids, alkaline foods, structured water, and sodium bicarbonate are extremely helpful. Assuming you experience difficulty processing food because of the absence of stomach-corrosive compounds, SIBO and GERD might result, in creating waste maturation acids further along the gastrointestinal system. Betaine hydrochloride, a natural digestive aid, can aid in stomach digestion, preventing the sluggish digestion of food and its associated bloating and reflux.
Constipation, diverticulitis, IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), and Crohn’s disease can all be brought on by slower fecal waste passage in the larger intestine. Skin disorders can result from any of these conditions because the skin is another organ where waste is excreted.
The epidermal microbiome disintegrates because of and after the inward stomach microbiome becomes upset, which is the reason our stomach-related framework capability is so urgent in the recuperating of skin problems.

Inflammation caused by stress
Skin disorders sufferers notice that itchy rashes and inflammation appear to flare up frequently following excessive stress or lack of sleep. Not only does excessive stress deplete magnesium stores, but low magnesium also makes it possible to release an excessive amount of adrenalin, resulting in additional anxiety and a negative feedback loop.
This indicates that the more magnesium we have, the less we can handle stress and the more sensitive we become. Stress causes free radical damage because energy is diverted away from digestion and into muscles, contributing to a sluggish metabolism and the accumulation of acidic wastes.
Adrenalin also leads to dehydration and an increase in acidity, both of which further exacerbate skin conditions and restlessness. Be that as it may, magnesium and water have an alkalizing impact, rehydrating cells and hosing down the adrenalin. Stress is reduced, metabolism is supported, inflammation is reduced, and pH is restored.
Solve stressed skin and the irritating itch
Magnesium baths help the body detox through the skin, calming stressed skin. Bathing in warm water containing magnesium chloride, which is hydrating and gentle on the skin, is suggested for individuals with extremely acute skin conditions. A fair warning with Epson salt (magnesium sulfate) washing, as it might cause dry irritated skin from the sulfate part eliminating such a large number of defensive oils.
We require sufficient amounts of lipids from high-quality plant oils and butters, which not only serve as insulators but also aid in retaining moisture and maintaining a youthful appearance, in order to protect the barrier and nerve sensitivity. The skin can recover with improved mitochondrial metabolism to regenerate collagen and elastin, which protect the skin barrier and its microbiome, when magnesium is present in an oil-water matrix, such as Elektra Magnesium Creams.
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